Applying for college can be difficult when you don’t know where to even begin. It is even harder when you might not be eligible for all the resources offered to first-generation college students due to citizenship status. However, Immigrant Rising has gathered a quick guide for undocumented students to make applying to college easier! In this quick guide, you get information about AB-540/SB-68: In-State Tuition & Residency Requirements, the California Dream Act ( General Info, Ideal Timeline, Step and Tools), and Scholarships and other resources.
AB 540/SB 68: In-State Tuition & Residency Requirements:
In this section of the quick guide, you get detailed information about in-state tuition. This includes information like:
- Differences between CA In-State Tuition (AB 540/AB 2000/SB 68), CA Dream Act, and DACA,
- Learn how in-state tuition eligibility has expanded to include community colleges (credit/noncredit) & adult schools in CA,
- Learn how California residency and AB 540/SB 68 affect the amount of tuition that you pay at CA public colleges & universities.
California Dream Act and State-Based Financial Aid:
In this section, this quick guide offers easy access to information about the California Dream Act and other state-based aid offered to undocumented students. This information includes:
- What kinds of financial aid and institutional scholarships you can apply for through the CA Dream Act
- Understand the four phases required to successfully complete the California Dream Act application and receive the maximum amount of aid for which you are eligible
- Checklists and Timeline for the CA Dream Act and Cal Grant
Scholarships and Other Resources:
Apart from the Dream Act and Cal Grant, undocumented students are eligible to other aid through scholarships. The guide offers:
- Scholarship Search Chart
- Scholarship Writing Support
- Undocuhustle Learning Hub
- CCOP’s CA Undocumented Student Resource Map
To access these resources and more you can visit QUICK GUIDE TO COLLEGE ACCESS FOR UNDOCUMENTED STUDENTS IN CALIFORNIA. You can also visit IMMIGRANTS RISING – TRANSFORMING LIVES THROUGH EDUCATION to access even more resources involving college, immigration, mental health etc.! College is possible for everyone with the right resources.
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