Our Team

The primary objectives of Let’s Go to College CA are to:

Promote academic and holistic resources to support scholars in completing a college education.

Elevate the voices and experiences of students so that education leaders, policymakers and institutions have a wider understanding of challenges students face pursuing a college education.

Connect students and encourage student advocacy to improve how campuses, higher-ed segments and the state coordinate and respond to student needs

About Us

The COVID-19 pandemic underscored the urgency to address the gaps higher education institutions have when it comes to serving systematically marginalized students. Let’s Go To College CA (Let’s Go) was launched to better serve those students and ensure that students continued their path to a higher education. For the first two years, Let’s Go has been fulfilling its mission by providing educational, financial, mental health, and basic needs resources to support college students in achieving their educational and career goals.

Let’s Go continues to build a vibrant student-led community composed of first-gen, low-income, BIPOC students to promote vital information and resources that aid students in completing their college education. We are a growing community of thousands of students connected through various social media platforms, online communications, and virtual programming that helps students engage and receive information.

In addition, our program provides a space for students to engage in higher-education policy. Our platform allows students to voice their concerns and wishes so that policy makers, educational leaders, and others have a fuller understanding of what it takes to be a college student today and develop student-centered solutions.

Our Leadership

SoCal CAN is a network of 110 college access and success programs providing direct service to more than 150,000 students in Southern California. Our goal is to increase the rate at which first-generation, low-income, and students of color access and complete college. 

Since the onset of the pandemic, students have repeatedly voiced the need for a virtual resource hub to navigate college in a time of COVID. SoCal CAN has responded to this need by compiling and disseminating information for students via weekly email newsletters and social media. This effort has been led by staff members at SoCal CAN who are current college students. The content has been responsive to their needs and those expressed by other SoCal CAN students. 

With the hope of making information, resources and support available to all students in California, we launched Let’s Go to College CA. This is a student-led initiative in partnership with education equity advocates, community organizations and philanthropic partners.

Our Supporters

Let’s Go To College CA was launched with the generous support of the College Futures Foundation, The Kresge Foundation, and the California Community Foundation. We are grateful for their partnership in supporting students on their college journeys during these turbulent times. This fast moving work is generating new opportunities to support students and the Let’s Go to College CA efforts. Interested in making a financial contribution?

Contact us at hello@letsgotocollegeca.org

Kimberly is a first-generation college graduate. She is the eldest of three and plans to continue her education and get her MBA. She plans to continue her career in social media marketing and expand her knowledge in business.

Kimberly Garcia

Social Media & Design Assistant

Bianca is a first-gen, Latina who was born and raised in LA. Bianca graduated from UC Santa Cruz where she pursued a degree in Sociology with a concentration in Global Information and Social Enterprise. She is passionate about creating sustainable change using digital platforms.

Bianca Esquivias

Digital Content Coordinator

Marcos is a first-gen, college grad from Cal State LA. He majored in Political Science and is passionate about youth empowerment and community building. Marcos was one of the original founders of Let’s Go To College CA. 

Marcos Montes

Program Manager & Higher Ed Policy Consultant