The CalFresh Program is for people with low-income who meet federal income eligibility rules. CalFresh provides you with a budget to put healthy and nutritious food on the table. CalFresh is a state program that awards you up to $193 a month for groceries.
*UPDATES: “SNAP emergency allotments were a temporary strategy authorized by Congress to help low-income individuals and families deal with the hardships of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023 law recently passed by Congress ends emergency allotments after the February 2023 issuance. This means by March 2023, all SNAP households’ benefits will return to normal amounts, without the added supplement.
If you are a student, you can get CalFresh if you:
- Work at least 20hrs/wk, on average, OR
- Are approved for state or federal work-study money and anticipate working during the term, OR
- Are a full-time student with a child under age 12
- For further requirements, click here.
- More special rules for students and exceptions click here.
To begin signing up for CalFresh, select your county and get started. You will need to submit proof of your situation.
- Documents that are usually required to get CalFresh:
- Copy of ID
- Proof of any income
- Proof of immigration status (for non-citizens)
- Proof of student status (for college students)
- What if you can’t get proof?
- Tell the caseworker during the interview. CalFresh generally accepts a sworn statement as last resort.
Apply now online at CSU CalFresh Information:,eligible%20to%20receive%20CalFresh%20benefits.