Finding a Job After Graduation – More Than the Paycheck
Two of the most important things to look for when finding a job is of course finding a job but also finding a job that aligns with your values. From one recent college graduate to another, here are the steps I am taking to ensure that I find a company that is “just right.”
- Identify your key values
- If this is something you are struggling with, it is most likely because you have yet to identify your core values. Take this time to reflect what’s really important to you and if you’re having trouble doing so, feel free to ask family and friends about what you seem to prioritize.
- Some examples of key values are: collaborative work, honesty, clear communication, or work that gives back to the community
- To find whether your company of interest aligns with your values, you can look around on their website as many companies have their project statement or values there. If you would like to take this a step further: you can do some sleuthing on the internet from past or current employees if their companies truly uphold those values. Remember, to only take the comments from past and current employees lightheartedly as some folks don’t have the best intentions when writing reviews.
- Develop a litmus test
- I am not talking about chemistry here, but developing a test that helps you make your decision about a company.
- Know that it’s extremely rare and difficult to find a job that fits all of your values. This is when finding your core values come in handy. These core values are non-negotiable and are your “must-haves.”
- Things like salary levels, benefits and location are logistical requirements and should also be part of your litmus test.
- Remember to not compromise your values!!!!! This may make it difficult to enjoy your workplace and assignments
- Creating a search plan and launching your values
- Now that you know what you want and need to be successful in your field, it’s time to look! Utilize places such as LinkedIn or a career coach. If you find a place that seems to check all of your boxes but seem skeptical, reach out to see if you can shadow or volunteer for them!
- Remember to always lead with your values. This can be done when writing a CV or when speaking to recruiters.
- Stick to your values
- One important thing to note is that your values are a reflection of you. They influence how you act, what you prioritize, how you communicate with others and most importantly, your work-ethic.
- Your values are bound to change over time, and that’s OK!!! Stick to your values when looking for a job and when interviewing. This will give you confidence and trust in who you are.