With all the exams, assignments, and studying that has to be done, being a student can sometimes take a toll on your mental health. Despite these academic obligations, caring for ourselves is one of the most important things we can do to assure our mental and physical well-being. Obtaining good grades should not come at the cost of your mental health, so here are some helpful tips that you can follow while studying!

Tips for studying and having a good semester/quarter!

  • Pomodoro method: This method allows you to rest in between studying as it requires you to work for 25 minutes straight. Once completing a successful study session, you are able to reward yourself with a 5-minute study break. During these short breaks, we recommend that you drink water and have a light snack. It is important that we care for our bodies and one way we can do this is by staying hydrated and ensuring that we eat a full meal at least once a day.
  • Be organized: Google Drive: Create folders and make tabs dedicated for each of your classes. Make sure you title your google document with the name of the assignment followed by the due date.
  • Google Calendar: We recommend that you schedule your study times and be specific about what readings or tasks you aim to complete during that time. Additionally, at the beginning of the semester/quarter, make sure that you read your class syllabus and be mindful of upcoming deadlines. Staying organized by using a physical agenda or a platform like Google Calendar allows you to stay on track with any assignments you need to complete and allows you to schedule your time accordingly in order to avoid overbooking yourself.
  • Reach out to resources and services at your school: Inquire about any accommodations made available through your school’s Disability Services Center that can offer you a reduced course load, extra time on exams/assignments, and priority registration for classes. Further resources such as the Educational Opportunity Program (EOP), Health Services (e.g. access to free therapy), and academic or major advisors, may further aid you through your college journey. Additionally, we encourage you to attend weekly tutoring, go to office hours, reach out to your peers, and keep an eye out for study jams that are hosted by student-led organizations for further academic help. These also make for good opportunities to meet new people and get in contact with certain organizations on Campus!

Lastly, be aware of your capacity:

Take note of ALL your roles in and outside of school. Practice saying no or allow yourself to take a mental health day off when you need it. Avoid cramming and burnout by being aware of your capacity, (DON’T OVERBOOK YOURSELF)! Ask for extensions, most professors and faculty will be understanding and willing to work with you, especially during this pandemic. We also recommend that you practice the art of skimming. No one expects you to complete all readings assigned to you so learning how to skim readings and focusing on the most important topics will allow you to get the main points of the readings assigned. Lastly, we urge you all to celebrate every win, no matter how small! Remember that what you are accomplishing as a student is no easy task so be nice to yourself!

“If you get tired, learn to rest not to quit” – Banksy