What is Academic Probation?

Academic Probation is a term used to describe when a student’s overall, or campus GPA, falls below a 2.0. All students are subject to this rule.

What happens if I am on Academic Probation?

While on academic probation, there are a few things the school will require you to do. 

What is the difference between Probation and Disqualification?

Academic Disqualification occurs when a student does not meet their class level GPA. When a student is academically disqualified, they may not be able to enroll in classes and are discontinued from attending the institution.

Academic Level Earned Units GPA
Freshman 0-29 Below 1.5
Sophomore 30-59 Below 1.70
Junior 60-89 Below 1.85
Senior 90+ Below 1.95

Can I still get financial aid on academic probation?

Yes, you can still get financial aid if you are on academic probation. Each school has specific rules and procedures to help you stay on track. 

How can I make sure I don’t lose aid?

To avoid potentially losing aid, you must have a status of Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) (check with your specific school on how to meet SAP). Failure to meet SAP may result in being ineligible for aid.

Tips on improving academic performance and staying out of probation

  1. Meet with your advisors and professors for advisement
  2. Take advantage of academic resources on campus, like your school’s Learning Center
  3. Being a proactive student
  4. Following a structured schedule for studying and me-time

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